After Lip Blush Procedure

The Result and Healing Process 

The final result depends on may factors: the client’s ability to follow the precautionary measures, aftercare instructions, and any medical conditions may also affect the outcome.

If a client follows the aftercare instructions and there are no medical conditions that affect the healing process, the retained pigment color will soften 30-50% by the touch up appointment (4 – 6 weeks from the initial appointment).

Generally What to Expect in the First Week:

Skin healing rate differs from one person to another. The following is what typically happens:

  • Freshly done lips will look bold in both colour and size. The lips may lighten more than anticipated at week 2, and the true colour will show during week 3.
  • Swelling, redness, and oozing can occur the day after the procedure. This is normal as your body is healing and reacting naturally to the new tattoo. Pain and tenderness will subside usually within 24-48 hours.
  • You can apply ice packs to the area during the first day (15 minutes on, 15 minutes off) but are no longer necessary after the first day.
  • Do not rub the lips in any way, do not let the lips get wet other than when using the cotton pad to clean gently (and always keep the lips moist with the balm provided).
  • Avoid foods that can cause rubbing, irritation, or friction on the lips (spicy food included).
  • Use a lip balm with SPF once all the scabs have come off for 2 weeks to preserve colour.

The failure to follow the aftercare instructions provided in the  Aftercare Sheet below, will result in lost of colour or discoloration, and will require more than one touch up to remedy.

A few things to note:

Lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery and other procedures, and age of skin all contribute to fading. Though rare, infection is possible. If you see signs of infection such as persistent increased redness or swelling, fever, drainage or oozing, contact your doctor immediately.

Keeping your hands clean, avoiding touching your lips, and following the aftercare procedures properly will help prevent infections.


Duration of the pigment will depend on aftercare, lifestyle and the type of skin. Typically it will last for up to 24 months.

Aftercare Instructions

A few things to note for 7 days after the treatment:

  • Do not apply make-up on the treated area
  • Avoid active training
  • Do not do chemical peeling or laser treatments
  • Do not go to the sauna or swimming pool
  • Avoid the sun
  • Do NOT remove any crusts that may form
  • Do not apply Vaseline, only use the provided aftercare balm

Day 1. 30 minutes after the treatment, the lips should be washed with provided neutral soap. Dab area every 2 hours with a wet cotton pad on the day of the procedure and reapply aftercare balm each time (always use a clean Q-tip).

Day 2. Wash the lips gently in the morning and apply aftercare balm both in the morning and in the evening.

Days 3-7. Apply provided balm in the morning and the evening after dabbing gently with cotton pad and water.

If lips feel dry, feel free to moisturize a very thin layer of balm when needed.